Adam and Grant's Blog

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday AM - I hope I haven't lost any readers since I last posted. The scariest thing is - there's only one baby at home!! What are we going to do when Adam comes home? The little guys really are an adjustment to life and living. We have been very fortunate to have help from our family. I know we're not the first to bring home twins, and we're not the first to bring home premie twins. It's just a very daunting and very big change, and we're making the adjustments. Blogging has taken a back seat to daily activities. I know some of you have been waiting and maybe even wondering if everything and everyone is OK. As of today all is well.

Since last Tuesday's post, Adam progress had been slow but steady. He is now over the infection and is classified as Level 2 status, which means he's doing quite well. He is in a "bucket" type crib, his first time ever. You all know how much we hated the isolette because it was hard to see and interact with him, but that's all behind us now. Smiles are more frequent and he's interacting with us more. The doctors are talking about sending him home before his heart surgery, which is good news and frightening news at the same time. We'll be using monitors and oxygen and probably will be walking on eggshells, but if the doctors think he's up for it then so are we.

Let's not forget Grant. He's doing as well as we could hope. He eats more and more everyday, and I think he's growing quickly. It's hard to tell since we see him every day, but we have a doctor's appointment today that will tell us how much he's grown since two weeks ago. If he's grown enough, I think the doctor will let us go to feeding every 5 hours at night. That's great news, especially if we can get Grant to go along with the program. For some reason he still wants to eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, and he doesn't really have a grasp of what "day" vs. "night" is. He really keeps us entertained, and I'm going to try to get his pictures posted soon after I finish this post, if he'll let me. I don't have any recent pictures of Adam. He had a lot of fluid retention after his surgery, and I didn't want to have pictures of him when he was struggling so much. I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do or not, but it's too late now and so far I have no regrets. We'll be adding to his portfolio very soon.

Grant is starting to stir and I want to get his picturs in the Yahoo folder. Please continue to be patient with me and my erratic posting schedule. Gotta go...


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