Adam and Grant's Blog

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturday PM - I'm at home (the real home) while the carpet cleaners are here getting all the nasties out of our carpets. I thought it would be a good use of time to make a post, so here goes. But first, I want to let everyone know that I read each and every comment that's posted to the blog. I don't have time to post and answer every comment but please be assured that they are read and greatly appreciated.

Adam's recovery from his re-connect surgery is going pretty well. They removed the breathing tube today and he's breathing on his own. Moreover, he no longer looks like the Michelin man. I don't think I mentioned before, but for the last week or so he had been retaining fluid, which made him puff up like, well, the Michelin man. I haven't seen him today but Heidi said he looks more like Adam and is awake and looking around. I've been reluctant to post any pictures of him because it looked worse than it was. Another simile: He looked like Jerry Lewis a couple of years ago when he was taking steroids. We still don't know whether he will come home before his heart surgery or not. For now he is in Level 3 and will likely stay there for at least another week.

Grant continues to grow both physically and developmentally. We sometimes forget that he's still considered a premie, but his size is about the same as a 1 to 2 week old. He looks around, lifts his head, and does many things that a 2 month old baby does. We are constantly entertained by him.

That's it for now, keep checking for updates...


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