Adam and Grant's Blog

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday PM - Yesterday would be a tough act to follow, and today was uneventful, so this will be relatively short. Check out the new pictures if you like.

The hospital has many cool programs, one of which has a nurse who is a child life specialist. She's the one who made the roll-type device to help with Grant's "toaster head". We have an appointment with her tomorrow morning during which she will help us install and fit car seats in both cars (I had to clean mine out today). This is a great service because, unknown to us, the majortity of car seats aren't installed properly. Making this appointment means that Grant is getting closer to being discharged.

The boys' personalities continue to emerge with each day. Grant is the laid-back, mostly easy-going brother. Sometimes he's almost too easy going, as he has to be convinced to eat instead of sleep. Adam is still very feisty and doesn't like things changed if he's resting comfortably. Both still love to be held as long and as often as possible.

Hasta manana...


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