Tuesday PM - Actually it's very early Wednesday AM. We got stuck at the house with "computer issues", so we didn't get the PM visit to the hospital. Tonight's phone report revealed the following: Grant has gained another 1 1/2 oz as the 7lb mark is just around the corner. He is finishing his food in record time and hates lying on his back. Adam was sound asleep as he continues to pack on the pounds (ok, ounces), 3lb 11.4 oz to be exact.
Our morning visit was one of the best, but each day seems to be a little better than the day before. I started by helping Heidi with Grant. He's making progress every day with the breast feeding but it takes more than one person to get started. The anemia still hasn't been corrected, and they will check his levels again this Thursday. This may be what's slowing him when he eats, as he sometimes falls asleep halfway through his feeding. Heck, maybe I should get checked for anemia.
After that I scooted down to visit with Adam and was able to hold him for over an hour. The nurses say he really calms down when Heidi or I hold him. His breathing rate slows and his oxygen level in his blood stays at 95 to 100 percent. And, the same thing happens to us. We still haven't heard from the cardiologists, so another day passes, but another day for him to get a little bigger. At least he's keeping pace with his brother.
As each one gets to be more interactive, we seem to be spending our time in separate places with each one so as to maximize their interaction with us. We try to split the time equally so that each of them has time with each of us. It's a juggling act, but one we gladly try to do.
From the "who knew?" department, we decided to look up the words to one of the songs that plays on one of their music boxes, "Hush Little Baby". You know, "Hush little baby don't say a word"? It's a good song to put kids to sleep, but those are some strange lyrics.
Sorry no pictures from today. We'll try to get some good ones tomorrow. Repeating reminder: Let me know if you need the link. Good night now...
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