Adam and Grant's Blog

Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday PM - Now it seems that the blog is getting longer and the archive function is kicking in. Now to get back to the Yahoo photos, click on the archives then look for the Intro post and the link is where it always was. I'll try to remember to periodically re-post the link at the end of my posts.

Milestone day for Grant - he had his first taste of milk, this time from a bottle instead of a tube running down his throat into his stomach. I missed the event, but Heidi was there and said he was an eager learner. At first he wasn't sure what was going on, but the nurse was very patient and in just a few minutes he had finished his entire feeding. Now we're one step closer to his being able to leave the hospital. I'm anxious to see him Tuesday morning, but I have to replace the battery in the camera so that all can see him.

One of Adam's cardiologists called today and said they will wait until next week for his surgery. They examined him today and said he looked really good, but they want him to finish the antibiotic regimen and then see how he does. When we visited him tonight he was wide awake, and looking around. I quickly decided it was time for some Dad holding. In the past we've had a nurse take them out of the isolette then hand them to us. But over the past few days, Heidi has become quite adept at manipulating all the wires and tubes as well as wrapping the kids in their blankets. So tonight she took him out and handed him over while I sat in the rocking chair waiting for the handoff. For the next 30 minutes we had a great conversation. It was a little one-sided, I did most of the talking while he listened. About 10 minutes before time to leave, he went back to baby dream land.

Hopefully I'll be able to take some pictures tomorrow and have them posted by Friday morning. In the meantime here's the Yahoo link again:


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