Adam and Grant's Blog

Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday PM - for those who are following the pictures closely, I just uploaded a few more. In my extremely humble opinion these are the best yet of the boys (well, one is a little out of focus but it still looks pretty good to me). I visited both boys on the way to the airport today, and I haven't seen both of them this active since they were born. They both seem to be feeling better and we hope that this trend will continue. Both are making small gains in the weight department, although Grant's doctor said today that some of his weight (4lb 8oz) is fluid which isn't really a good thing. They don't seem to be overly concerned at this point, so we'll try to wait and be concerned when they are. Otherwise our visit was the best I've had with him yet. He never closed his eyes the entire time I was there, which made it almost impossible for me to leave.

Nobody said anything about Adam's weight other than that he's up to 2lb 14oz, so we take that as all good. They actually started feeding him a small amount of milk today. Another moment of apprehension - premies' gastrointestinal tracts are also "premie" and sometimes don't tolerate feedings well. But they eventually have to start weening them away from IV nourishment because of issues with the liver. Plus he will start fattening up for things to come. The first feeding didn't set too well, but the evening nurse said he was doing OK with the ones that followed.

Thanks to all who've posted comments, or sent them back to my email. We read each and every one of them. And if you're silently following along, that's OK too.


Blogger Ourea said...

Hey Wayne - I decided to answer by Blog so created an account. Have no idea how this works but decided to check it out so I can just answer your Blog. Nancy

9:16 AM  
Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Heidi and Wayne:

Everyday I read your web site to know about the "boys." I miss them so much and have become someone I had never known...a Nanna. Oh Wayne, your writing is so appreciated and the photos lift my heart to a place I have never known. Your boys are more amazing in person and yes, they look like their Daddy. So many people, friends and of course family are flowing this with love for the babies, Adam, Grant, Mommy, and Daddy. Prayers continue to flow for more miracles in all of your life’s. You know, their little lives have sent a light of hope to sooo many lives that I do believe they are now "all of our angels." Blessings to all of you, it's wonderful to be in the loop of daily information and photos, and keep us posted. You are doing a GREAT JOB!


Nanna in California

12:35 PM  

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