Adam and Grant's Blog

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday PM - Very likely I will not post on Friday's as I have a crazy work schedule that precludes any blogging. First things first - new pictures are on the link but I haven't labeled them yet. If you look before I label, Adam is the one with the snorkel apparatus on his nose. Grant is the one with a little strip of tape across his mouth. I may not get to the labeling tonight but if you're not sure, email me or leave a post on the blog.

Speaking of the photos, several people have lost track of the Yahoo link. It took a minute for me to figure, but if you look to the left of the page the older posts are listed there. Click on the very first one and the link is at the bottom where it always was. I guess I've been posting so much the archive function has kicked in.

Grant continues to do well. They have increased the amount of his milk intake and it's easy to tell he's doing better as he gets less attention from the nursing staff. We're not sure when he'll be released but it will likely be a matter of weeks.

Adam is Adam. Another infection has reared it's ugly head, but the antibiotics were already being given. There is still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the ifs and whens of his heart surgery. If he is not infection-free, they won't do the surgery. A decision won't be made before Tuesday or Wednesday. Meanwhile he is still active and he enjoys being held. One of the things he hates is his snorkel, or CPAP. As long as he's awake he tries to rub it off, and is sometimes successful. Only problem with that is it supplies his supplemental oxygen. It's good to see him active and trying to make himself comfortable, but the snorkel has to stay on. One thing for sure, his nurse is never bored.

As we get closer to Thursday, I'll do my best to keep everyone up to date on the status of the surgery, as well as everything else. Thanks to all for reading...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Family:

Just a quick Saturday night note to say..."I miss you, I love you, and I am sending lots of prayers for health, strength and of course everything you need." I love, love, love the new photos and just fall into them as they appear. Silly me!

Much love,


9:23 PM  

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