Adam and Grant's Blog

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday PM - The mornings continue to be Grant's time of the day. We can always expect to see him wide awake and generally in a good mood. The only exception is just before feeding time, and that is quickly resolved with milk. Feeding is now done through a tube that passes through his nose into his stomach. As bad as this sounds it's actually a "promotion" from the tube that passed through his mouth. I try to imagine both for myself, and I just can't. But he seems fairly oblivious to the thing and probably enjoys not having tape all around his lips. He can actually take a pacifier without any problems. Bottle feeding is not too far away according to the doctor. One last thing about Grant: Tonight Heidi had her first "hands on" experience with changing a diaper that was more than just wet. Grant decided it was time for a full-blown demonstration of what a dirty diaper is and how he makes it dirty. Without getting too detailed, let's just say he gave a live demo of how a diaper gets filled - while she was changing it. To spare all the blog readers, email me or Heidi if further clarification is needed.

Adam remains unchanged, but he looked better today to me than he did yesterday, despite his "bad hair" after he's bathed. His breathing is not as fast and he seems more relaxed. The CPAP is still a major irritant to him and his nurses say he is not hesitiant to complain. We're waiting to see when the blood cultures are negative for the infection he has and then hope that he can tolerate some milk. Being held by Mom is still his favorite time of day, but he still doesn't want to have anything else done. We think he's tired of all the poking and prodding. I forgot to mention yesterday that he was given some blood because his red blood cells were low. Otherwise everything is wait-and-see for him. There are two big hills for him to climb - getting his digestive tract to tolerate milk and correcting his cardiac problems. We enjoy our time with both boys. Heidi summed it up best: We can't get enough of them now, but we know a lot more is coming soon.

That's all for now, more tomorrow.


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Wayne, Heidi, Grant and Adam:

The Blog is so wonderful to hear the details of everyday joys and concerns. I understand how much Heidi is enjoying her daily time with the boys, as you are Wayne. I am starting to get excited to see you all on Thursday ... I keep you all in my prayers. As Dr. Adam said, "everything can be fixed today." Go dear family towards your happy days together at home. It is wonderful to learn as you write about Adam, and how he loves his Mommy holding him. He is so brave, strong, and feisty. (A mind of his own.)
Much Love, xoxoxox and more...


11:15 PM  

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