Adam and Grant's Blog

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wednesday PM - Just a quick sidebar - I'm having an outpatient procedure tomorrow to, as one of my very funny co-workers put it, "have a new face put on." Actually, I'm having a little skin tumor removed from my cheek and will probably be out of commission most of the day. The procedure is early in the morning so I'll try to make this short tonight, although I haven't been able to pull that off since starting the blog.

It was another good day for both of our guys. Grant has broken through the 6lb mark and shows no sign of looking back. The two times that I saw him today he was asleep as I managed to catch him after he had his chow. With the steps he is now making, it can't be too long before they dismiss him.

Heidi was able to hold Adam for an hour today, skin to skin. He's still feisty and fighting to get the CPAP off. Pound for pound I believe he's the orneriest kid in the NICU. But it's that kind of attitude that's going to get him through all of this. We can tell the nurses who have him are really getting attached to him, although he's a handful.

That's it for tonight. If I don't post tomorrow, I'll try again on Friday. I'll close with what I hope is a good link to the photos. If this doesn't work send me an email or leave a comment here with your email address and I will send you the link from the Yahoo site.


Blogger Ourea said...

Wayne - Just put the blog on my "Favorites" to see if it works and it does. Also set up one to comment so IF I remember how to get back into it, you'll get this message. Nancy

9:57 AM  

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