Adam and Grant's Blog

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday PM - Quite a long day at the hospital today, interrupted only by a great lunch at a Turkish restaurant. We, including Heidi's mom, also managed to work in an Infant CPR class as well. All the other time was spent with our guys. I've already uploaded some pictures of Grant from this morning, and I will have a few more of Adam after I finish this post. If everyone can forgive a doting father, Grant is becoming very photogenic as he grows and changes. Adam is also photogenic, but it's hard to appreciate under all of his CPAP apparatus. Nevertheless, I did manage to catch a snapshot of him while the nurse was weighing him tonight.

And speaking of weight, Adam has reached a new all-time high of 3Lb 6oz. His feeding continues to go well as he is up to 6cc's of milk every 3 hrs. His weight may fluctuate every day but we are hoping for a steady upward trend as it looks more like his heart surgery will be sometime during the week of the 29th. The doctor is also trying to wean him from the CPAP as he really hates wearing it. They've tried this once before, but this time he seems to be doing better as they slowly cut back on the air pressure. I was able to hold him for an hour today, and he slept the entire time. Everyone has certain things they do where minutes seem like seconds. Holding these kiddos is one of those things for us.

Both of us were able to hold Grant today. He has taken "making a mess" to a whole new level. To spare the squeamish, I will give details via email to anyone who is interested. Otherwise, we had a great day with him as we had two extended visits. I had my first try at feeding him from a bottle tonight. The doctors want him to finish his feeding in 20 to 25 minutes. With me at the helm, it took him an hour. He's rather lazy about the whole thing, and his expressions during the feeding make us laugh outloud.

Lastly, both boys had a requisite eye exam today. Premies are prone to having retinal problems due to the immaturity of the blood vessels in the retina. I'm happy to report that both boys (yes, including Mr. Enigma) passed the exam and will have another in two weeks as their blood vessels are still not fully mature. But so far all is well with their eyes.

Watch for the new pictures. Until tomorrow...


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