Adam and Grant's Blog

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday PM - Another quick post as an early work day tomorrow has me scrambling to get to bed. I managed to survive my outpatient surgery yesterday, just a scar that looks like I had an argument with a tire tool and lost the argument. Or that I was sacking bobcats and ran out of sacks, or... well, you get the picture. Anyway, thanks to my lovely wife I'm having a rapid recovery.

Grant continues his progress and is up to 2 bottle feedings a day and the volume he is given is increasing. Except for a spit-up here and there he is doing really well. Still working on the drinking-swallowing-breathing coordination, but that will come in due time. I added a few more pictures of him that were taken today.

Adam decided he wasn't quite ready to be infection free, or at least to make everyone wonder if he was infection free. No more than 1 1/2 hours after we got a good report on him last night, the PM shift doctor called and said his fever had spiked but was coming down. Another battery of blood, urine, and spinal fluid tests but nothing conclusive. We're thinking of entering him in the Mr. Enigma contest. Some good news today: The cardiologists looked at another scan of his heart and saw some closure in the ventricular wall. It's still too large to hope that it will close on it's own, but it seems to have bought some time (that and the infection marathon he's running) until they have to operate on his heart. According to the cardiologist, he's not critical to the point that they need to rush him in, so we're still hoping to fatten him up a bit. There are actually 20 or so babies with varying degrees of heart defects whose cases will be reviewed next week, and it looks like Adam is not at the top of the list. We're very thankful for that, but our hearts go out to those who are more critical than him.

If you see me in the next few days, please do NOT return me to Dr. Frankenstein. Until tomorrow...


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