Adam and Grant's Blog

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wednesday PM - Another good day for everyone today. We started by going to Grant's unit so as to catch one of his bottle feedings. Since only 2 of us can be there at the same time, I decided to visit Adam while Heidi and her mom stayed with Grant. When I got to Adam's unit, his nurses all looked at me with wide grins, as if they were going to yell "surprise!". It wasn't my birthday but something much better: Adam's CPAP (the assisted breathing device) was gone and replaced by a small tube (nasal canula) in his nose. His eyes were open wide and I haven't seem him look that happy and calm in at least two weeks. I literally jogged from the 3rd floor up the stairs to the 4th floor to get the camera, then jogged downstairs to take pictures before he decided to fall asleep (see Yahoo photos). To top it all off, the nurse allowed me to hold him for an hour via the skin-to-skin method. Except for a few chest hairs being pulled out, it was the highlight of the day. The doctors have increased his feeding again today, and he weighs 3lb 6oz. We still have such a long way to go, but days like this make things easier. For now it looks as if his surgery will still happen sometime next week.

Grant is holding at 6lb 40z but is drinking about 7 times the amount of milk that his brother drinks. He sleeps a lot like his mom (or at least like his mom once did), but is very engaging when he's awake. Today he was none too pleased when she put him back in the isolette. It's becoming very difficult to divide our time between the two, as they are on different floors and we enjoy the time with each one.

Heidi also had her 2nd follow-up appointment with her OB. Her recovery is on pace and she is doing very well from what I can see. She's not at 100% of her pre-pregnancy energy, but that seems to improve week by week. Spending time with the boys definitely charges her batteries. For us the days aren't long enough, and we can't wait to get them home.

This will be a record for me as I'm actually finshing a post before 7:30. Tomorrow I have my appointment to remove my stitches. For those who have asked and sent your well-wishes, everything went well and no further problems are anticipated. Our best to everyone until tomorrow...


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