Adam and Grant's Blog

Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday PM - The boys both gained weight since yesterday. Grant is up to 6lb 10oz and becoming more accomplished at coordinated eating and breathing. Adam is now 3lb 10oz which is such a relief for us as his heart surgery draws closer. The cardiologists were in today while we were with him. The business of neonatal cardiovascular surgery is ever-changing. On Friday the ICU where patients go to recover was full, so they couldn't do any more surgeries. Today, there was an emergency lung transplant which postponed three surgeries from today until tomorrow. The best news at this point is that Adam is still not critical to the point that they feel he has to be rushed in, and this has given him the opportunity to gain more weight. That being said, they still want to get him in at the earliest opportunity. For now, we think he'll be admitted to Texas Children's Hospital between Wednesday and Friday, with the surgery being done 1 or 2 days after admission.

The difference between the two units where each is staying is still very noticeable. When we go into Grant's unit, just about every spot has a baby in it, and at least half of those babies have 2 visitors. The area is about half the size of the one that Adam is in, and the babies naturally make more noise since they are in better overall condition. It's still very enjoyable to visit him, and to hear and see all of the other babies and their individualities.

Adam's unit, on the other hand, is like a library. He and another baby are the only two in their "pod". Although they are across the pod from each other, they seem to have decided to give the nurses all they can handle. Somehow they manage to coordinate their "bad behavior" at the same time. Adam's roommate has discovered how to set off one of her alarms, which sends the nurses running to her bedside. Once they get there she greets them with a big smile. While she's doing this, Adam has some tricks up his own sleeve, and usually the nurse has to call for help from one of the other pods to tend to him. Or, they will do all of this in reverse. Actually the nurses seem to be very attached to both and the discussion of the babies' antics is always good for a laugh. Goodness knows we can all use more of those.

That's all for tonight, enjoy the pictures on Yahoo.


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Family:
It is so wonderful to read about "The Boys," and their changes. Wayne your amazing writing is truly a children's story to be told to many.

I have called every angel above to watch your boys and be with them followed by butterflies and love, love, love.

I miss them sooooo and you Mommy and Daddy. Their precious eyes have captured me completely! Go Grant and Go Adam!!!!!

Lots of hugs and kisses to all and Blessings to Nurse Betty!!!!

Nanna Bobbi

12:24 AM  

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