Adam and Grant's Blog

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday PM (3:30 PM Local time) - Today was to be the day that Adam was transferred to Texas Childrens Hospital for his heart surgery. But last night around 5:30, I got a call from one of the pediatric cardiologists. He said that they had completed another echocardiogram in preparation for Adam's surgery. At this point I'm thinking, "Oh great, what have they found now? What curve ball has Mr. Enigma decided to toss today?" Well, he decided to throw a curve of a different kind. The cardiologist was "stunned" to discover that the PDA (patent ductus arteriosus) had repaired itself. A little background: This is the condition where the duct that is open to allow blood from Mom to circulate is supposed to close a few days after birth, but doesn't. In most cases it closes within 2 weeks. If it doesn't they may try to treat it with medication or surgery. This is one of the two heart conditions Adam has (or had), but since his last echocardiogram it has CLOSED. The doctors have seen it happen this late (6 weeks of age), but not very often. The bottom line is that we can now wait for him to grow and gain weight (7 to 8 lbs) before they repair the VSD (ventricular septal defect). Things could change but this is the best news we've had in weeks. Both boys will remain in the same unit and will stay next-door neighbors.

Looks like Adam will get most of the "blog real estate" today. Grant keeps plugging along as we nervously and anxiously anticipate his discharge from the hospital. Could be this week, could be next. We didn't know this but drinking from a bottle actually tires the babies. One of the nurses told us that in one of her NICU orientation classes they made the nurses drink from a bottle with a nipple to demonstrate how hard it is (bet that was an interesting sight). Anyhow, Grant does seem to tire as he finishes each bottle feeding, so I guess there's something to it.

Last weight reports: Adam 4lb 2oz; Grant 6lb 12oz. Both guys also passed their final eye exam that checks for retinal problems. This is another major hurdle. Though not life-threatening, the condition could have caused severe vision problems.

New pictures are also scarce from the last day or so, but they'll be posted soon.

I continue to believe in the power of the prayers that each of you have sent our way. Adam's latest accomplishment only reinforces that belief. Our heartfelt thanks go out to each and everyone of you for the prayers, thoughts, and support you have sent our way.

Happy trails...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Heidi, Wayne, Grant, and Adam Eastus:

You are now famous since “the Miracles,” for all of you continue to reach the Houston, Texas area. Especially Joel Osteen and the congregation as they continue to call from the Lakewood Church. They consider your story the truth of the word "Miracle." As Heidi said, "call me when Joel Osteen, contacts you Mom." The calls keep coming to me...I am waiting! It’s all about getting your dreams to come true and the many steps of each day’s journey with "The Boys." You are all going forward to the wondrous time, when you will all be together taking a deep breath and remembering the when...just like a dream. All is perfect as I continue to be grateful for your happiness's and the on-going health of the boys, the Mama, and the Daddy. You are a dream come true for the many of us, who have been praying, praying, and praying non-stop for the Eastus Family. It's working, as your courage (all of you) has been encouraged to keep going with your amazing love for family and each-other. You are an inspiration to all of us, as we watch your faces, the babies, and your devotion as a family. AMAZING!!!!

Blessings and Love Always, xoxo


4:26 PM  

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