Adam and Grant's Blog

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday AM - I didn't get to post last night due to one of those memorable weather days at the airport. Here is one of those rare morning posts.

Yesterday Adam tried his first bottle feeding, which meant they also replaced the oral feeding tube with a nasal feeding tube. This is much better for him as we can see more of his face and he can suck on a bottle or pacifier without the tube interfering. The occupational therapist said he did very well for the most part. His only problem was breathing and drinking coordination, just like his brother. But for the first time he did well, and I should have pictures of him uploaded within an hour after I finish this post. I don't think the pictures do justice to the experience, because seeing him drink in person for the first time and seeing his expressions is just something that is hard to describe. The little fighter has made so many strides, especially this week, and this seemed like a small reward for his struggles. Being able to actually taste something you eat is something we probably all take for granted, but his face seemed to say that this was probably one of the most amazing and enjoyable experiences of his young life.

Grant had an upper G/I test yesterday. The doctors have put him on medication for acid reflux, which is another trait that he and I now have in common. They say this is very common among premies and something that our pediatrician will monitor as he grows. Although I haven't seen him since yesterday morning, they have moved him from the isolette to an open crib (the clear plastic kind on wheels). His discharge can't be far away.

As we progress through this adventure, we discover every day that there are so many differences between full-term babies and premies. The doctors have begun cautioning us about infection control after we leave the hospital, including having visitors. Since the boys' were premature, their immune systems are less-developed then full-terms and they are more susceptible to infections. More so, their reactions to an infection are likely to be more severe. We know that there are many of you who have been literally following us day-to-day and are ready to see these guys in person, and we are ready to show them off. But (this is very difficult for us) for the present, we have to follow the doctors' orders and restrict our visitors until we get a better idea of how they will respond to being out of their sanitary environment. This may take a while, and we will be following our doctors' advice. Please be patient with us and understand that while we are anxious for everyone to see them, we have to do what's in their best interest. That includes getting a flu shot for the first time in my life.

I've been asked to give information on where we have registered for gifts. Being the dad and the guy, I didn't have much of a clue. It seems, though, that we do have a listing on I have no idea if that is accessible directly at the store or just online. Heidi also said Baby's R Us has lots of goodies, but she doesn't think we're registered there.

Time to upload pictures and get ready for work. Have a good weekend...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Wayne:

I certainly understand about all your concerns for "The Boys!" I have tons of clear jell for cleaning my hands, special wipes from Clorox, and now willing to wear a mask when I travel. Airlines have lots of my doctor says to me. I have read a lot about the care for preemies and need to know more. When I sick last week I had to cancel my trip since I would NEVER, NEVER, TAKE A CHANCE TO BRING ANY GERMS. I take my flu shot on Wednesday. I think you have been through so much and all of us, so anxious to see the boys understand the serious nature of "their wellness," and the doctor’s orders. I am relieved you are telling everyone to take the flu shot and don't be fooled by "I have allergies," I hear that a lot from the students I teach. They are all on strict orders to cancel tutoring if they are sick. I am so happy that Baby Adam is fighting and finally enjoying his milk, and his happy spirit is showing in the photo. Stay healthy...and I will follow all the rules. The babies look so good! The miracle is amazing!!!!! Jennifer is prepared to take the shot as well, we are all on your side of being careful and not take any chances!

Love, xoxoxo


10:11 AM  

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