Adam and Grant's Blog

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday PM - What a great day with the boys! This morning Adam was upped to two bottle feeds per day, and he is more alert and inquisitive than we have ever seen him. He seems to be more calm, although he does throw a very short tantrum every now and then just to remind you that he can. His eyes are like little raisins, and they are constantly looking around as he takes in his surroundings. It is very obvious that he prefers to be outside his isolette, at least when he's awake. Latest weight - 4lb 20z. The doctors are considering changing his surgery schedule to having his gastrointestinal surgery done before his heart surgery. For the late-readers to the blog, Adam had emergency surgery at 3 days of age due to a perforated colon. The end result was an ostomy, where a small section of the colon is outside of the abdomen inside a plastic bag. Caution: detailed information follows. He then poops into the bag instead of... well, you get the picture. Anyway, they're thinking about fixing this before the heart surgery.

We expect Grant to be discharged no later than this Wednesday. He is 0.7 oz shy of a full 7lbs. Small wonder since the doctors have given him unlimited intake when he eats. Today he was also very alert. He wasn't awake as long as Adam, but was just as wide-eyed. His Aunt Cara paid a visit and was able to hold him for a while. You could tell he was quite taken with her by the way he kept smiling. One of the best things about him being in the open crib is that we are no longer limited on the number of times we can pick him up and hold him.

It's gettting more diffidcult each day to leave the hospital as they begin to react and recognize who we are. The time we spend with them, especially when they're awake, goes faster than any time we've known.

Check out the new pics. Good night for now...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Family....Mom, Dad, Grant and Adam:

It's really difficult to not smile, and keep looking at the photos of you and the boys. So Beautiful!!!! It's wonderful to see their growth everyday. Ah...thank you Wayne for taking the time to make sure we all see your BOYS!!!!

I get my flu shot on Wednesday...

Hugs, Kisses, Trains, and Planes....

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE xoxoxox


11:16 PM  

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