Adam and Grant's Blog

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thursday PM - Parenthood. What a concept. Last night was a tough one. It was one of those nights that only someone who has kids (and you know who you are) can understand. Grant had chronic gas pains or colic or both, or something, but what we had was a sleepless night. We've been told he's just about the right age to have these issues, so I guess we'll just work our way through it. On the up side he now weighs 9 1/2 lbs, and shows no sign of turning back. Even when he has a bad night, we're completely "eat up with him." For those who don't know what that means, email me and I'll explain.

Since the last post Adam has not been doing quite as well. He's lost a few ounces, but still weighs just over 5 1/2 lbs. His breathing is fast at times due to his heart condition, and that interferes with his ability to take his food by mouth. They have gone to straight tube feeding through the tube in his nose. The good news is that he's completely off IV fluids and feeding, and all the IV tubes are gone. His liver functions have improved as a result. The cardiologists will discuss his case and present it to the cardiac surgeons early next week to determine when to do his surgery. He's taken many steps forward but this is probably a step or two back. Such is the life of a premie.

I have some more pictures to upload, but not sure when I can get to them. Keep checking and keep us all in your thoughts and prayers...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Family:
I am home after sharing quality time with all of you and it feels like someone.. s" missing. Two weeks just flew out the window and all I want to trust is more good health, joy, happiness, and peace for all of you. For all of you whom read...watching wonderful Grant, sleeping in Mama's tummy or Daddy's chest is amazing! Grant grows in so many ways and the smallest look or sound is wonderful. Baby so strong and his journey is very special. I can see it in his eyes. God is certainly present in everyone’s life as this is a true miracle for all of us whose lives have been touched by the addition to the Eastus Family. Thank you Nurse Bettye...for all you do to care and love, as you always smile with joy and wisdom.

I have fallen in love with two little's wonderful!!!!! I miss you and it's not even 24 hours.


Nanna See you soon!!!!!

10:42 PM  
Blogger Judy and Joel said...

Dear Heidi and Wayne,

Although we have not previously written a comment, we have been (sporadically) following the progress of your little miracles. The blog is fascinating and Dad felt the same way when he read it when was with us in late October.

We are so thrilled about the progress of both babies so far - that Grant is doing SO well, and that Adam has come such a long way because he is such a little fighter with so much spunk.

You have all been in our thoughts and constantly on the list of those for whom Judy prays every night (if she doesn't fall asleep first!). We hope this roller-coaster ride smooths our for you soon. You both are doing an amazing job of hanging in there!!

Love, Judy and Joel

10:38 PM  
Blogger Ourea said...

Wayne + Heidi - I just caught up on the Blog and wonder how you two do this at all. NO, you are not the first to bring home twins or preemie twins but it is the first time for you. Even if it wasn't, you have a daunting task every day. Throw work into the "must do list" and I am amazed you are still standing. The emotional strain is enormous. You are so lucky to have family. WHen you get Adam home, life will seem so calm. I'll try to get up to the ramp tower soon. It seems that I am always running to Terminal A to try to get on on Frontier to get home lately. While I don't feel that I can complain about this new PBS bidding system that has introduced havoc in my life in view of these more important struggles, I will anyway. And regale you with some phenominal aviation occurances of late. Remind me to tall you of the passenger 911 call. Keep you chin up and remember when you see those guys driving all over the ramp willy nilly that "we have some of the most professional men and women in the industry!" Love to you 4, Nancy

8:19 AM  
Blogger Ourea said...

ps. pardon my typos. I will call you not "Tall" you. ANd phenomenon is sp[elled with an "e". And to think that these magic fingers program that navigation box. Scary. N

8:22 AM  

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