Adam and Grant's Blog

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday AM - Today marks a couple of milestones. First, the boys are 6 months old. Hard to believe it's been 6 months. At times it seems it hasn't been that long, at others it seems it's been longer. Second, this is the 70th post on the blog if I read the numbers correctly. That's more than 10 posts per month. Not bad, considering everything that's been happening.

But enough about that. We also accomplished another milestone last night. Grant decided it was time to roll over from his back to his front. It took a lot of effort but he made it. So what did we do? Got the camera, put him on his back, and made him do it all over again. It reminded me of the time when we would catch turtles, put them on their back, and would see how long it took them to roll back over. Of course he doesn't remind me of a turtle, but you get the picture (don't you?). He really gets into it with lots of grunts and yells, and I'm sure he's burning lots of calories.

We hope to hear something good for Adam by Wednesday of this week. He has an MRI scheduled and a few other minor tests as well. If all goes well and he behaves himself, there's a chance he could be home by Friday. Lots of ifs, but it has to happen sooner or later. Sooner would be be better for obvious reasons. Not so obvious is that our last day at Ronald McDonald House is this Wednesday. They have a 45 day limit per family due to the high demand, which means we have to check out for 7 days then go back on the waiting list. Wouldn't it be great if that was a non-issue?

One thing I haven't mentioned regarding Adam's homecoming. As Grant has been on a quasi-quarantine since he has been home, so will Adam. The difference is that Grant's was only until the end of March, give or take. Due to the number of health issues that Adam has, the pediatricians tell us that he will have to be on house arrest, quasi-quarantine, etc. until this time next year. The two things that are the biggest threat to him for the next year are heart arrhythmias and infection. Infection has to be controlled for Adam the same as with Grant. We don't have all the details yet, but it may also mean that Grant has to continue with his current isolation as well. Fortunately, healthy adults who, in flu season, have had their flu shots, can come around. Unfortunately, children below the age of 14 (I think) won't be able to. While this is not the ideal situation we had in mind, it's the only way we can get Adam out of the hospital and ensure his health and safety. It's going to be tough waiting for another year but we don't have another choice, and nothing is more important than getting him home and growing and thriving. We know that everyone is waiting to see these little bandits, and we are going to do whatever we can to allow that to happen as long as we follow the doctors' orders and protect Adam. We ask that everyone be patient and understand what is at stake.

Thanks for reading. Happy 6 months to Adam and Grant, happy 70th post to me, happy birthday (belated from yesterday) to my sister Cara, and happy anything to anyone that I may have missed or overlooked...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Family:

Oh my...all of you who are reading this need to know the AMAZING PARENTS, Heidi and Wayne Eastus are to two wonderful boys. Never, never have I known or seen so much love, love, devotion, and on-going top care for these baby brothers. I see them in action and it keeps me on my's an on-going magical moment in time when you see the different smiles, sounds, and more, from Adam and Grant. It will be a celebration of miracles and love, when Adam is home. it's almost time! Thank you all for caring for our family...and your amazing understanding of their special needs. All that "you do," is greatly appreciated...everything!



2:07 PM  

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