Adam and Grant's Blog

Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday PM - Once again I'm later than I wanted to be but it's really tough for me to post over the weekend, including Thursdays and Fridays. My weekend is Tuesday and Wednesday as most of you know, so that's when I can post. If something monumental happens, I'll break a leg to get it on the blog sooner than my weekend.

That being said, Adam started eating right after my last post from last Wedneday. He started slow at 5 cc per 3 hours, and as of today he's at 35 cc every 3 hours. He looks and acts as well as ever, and is starting to smile and make cooing sounds. Now I don't believe in jinxes, so I'm going to state a fact, and that is we've been down this road before. Many times he's done well only to have a relapse with his G/I tract. One of these times will be the time that he pushes past the barrier and never looks back. We're hoping and praying that this will be that time. If not this time, then the next.

He's still in ICU for monitoring purposes. They haven't switched the smurf medicine from IV to oral yet, but that will likely happen within the next day or two. Once that's done he will probably go back to the PCU (progressive care). Just as before, it's a sign of progress, but we lose the patient-to-nurse ratio that we have in the ICU, which means we have to keep a closer eye on him ourselves. Hopefully it won't be long before we're all at home and won't have to worry about any such thing.

Grant is unbelievable. He's getting so big, and loves to play and be held. He changes from week to week, and it's hard to believe that he and Adam both will be 6 months on February 25. They are very different right now, but I believe that Adam will shoot up in size once he gets home just as Grant did.

Hope this gets everyone up to date, I'll be posting more over the next day or so...


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