Adam and Grant's Blog

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday AM - Unfortunately our smooth sailing has come to a temporary halt. Over the weekend Adam's abdomen became bloated and he started running a 101 fever. His digestive system has basically shut down, meaning nothing is moving through when he eats/drinks, so all feeding has been stopped. Possible causes include infection or pancreatitis. Several tests have already come back negative, and we're waiting for blood culture results. I stayed at the hospital with him last night, and he had a surprisingly decent night. His temp goes up and down between 99.5 and 101. He rests and is comfortable with the lower temp but he seems to have some pain in his abdomen that they are treating with medication. They've taken several x-rays, and he's scheduled for an ultrasound this morning.

That's about all for now, just a wait-and-see situation. I'll post more information as soon as I get it. We've had better days, but we've also had worse. The fighter fights on...


Blogger Jonathan Bender said...

Love and prayers to you, Heidi and the boys. Jonathan

10:25 AM  

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