Adam and Grant's Blog

Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday PM 8:50 - Posting from home tonight and going back to work tomorrow. Heidi is staying at RMH and will go to the hospital early (well, early for her) tomorrow morning. The doctors make their rounds between 8 and 9 AM and that's the best time to get our questions answered. I spoke to one of the cardiologists today and he said a lot of things and gave us a lot of information, but the one thing he said that got my attention more so than anything else was that Adam is doing better than he thought would be the case at this point in his recovery. We have to keep reminding ourselves that the road is long and can take many turns, as we have experienced the last 4-plus months and as everyone who's been reading this blog from the beginning knows. But for today we will take the news and be happy and thankful. Some highlights from today: They have lowered his oxygen percentage to 35; chest tubes used to drain excess fluid were removed. He's still heavily sedated, but is starting to make efforts to breathe on his own. They hope to remove the breathing tube by early next week, and move him to a less-critical care unit shortly thereafter. He is also taking formula through his nasogastric tube, and has not been on IV nourishment. It's hard to see him so heavily sedated, but this is part of the recovery process and another step to getting him home. Our fighter is still going strong.

Since I haven't mentioned Grant in the last few days, I think he needs some press as well. Heidi weighed him today and he's up to 15 lbs, or so say the bathroom scales (I still haven't figured out how she got him to stand on them). We're reading to him and he has a favorite book that I first read when I was about 5 years old. Go Dog Go is the name of the book and after 45 years it's still a good read for the younger set. I'm behind on taking pictures and getting them uploaded, but I'll try to make up for it in the next week or so. Still reading and enjoying all of your comments and emails, they really give us a boost. Next post (hopefully) tomorrow...


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