Adam and Grant's Blog

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wednesday PM - Just a quick post, nothing much new to report. Adam is gaining weight but not nearly fast enough to suit anyone. They are trying some new formula, with more calories, to try to speed things up. He's starting to smile at us a little more every day and is very alert. It's a typical Catch-22. The cardiac surgeons don't want to operate until he weighs more, but the neonatologists say that he's not gaining weight because he's using extra calories due to his heart condition. Hopefully the new formula will be the answer.

Grant keeps plugging along, gaining weight and wanting attention. He's very entertaining and can change moods from one second to the next. It looks like he's going to be our fiery redhead. But for now he's sleeping quietly which means I should be taking care of my next chore.

I hope to have more pictures in the next day or so. If you can't tell, I'm WAY behind in labeling the pics. But for now, Grant's the one without all the tape on his face...


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