Adam and Grant's Blog

Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday AM - Last Saturday we moved out of the apartment and back into our house. It's really good to be home, but it's not without some sadness that we are so far away from Adam. We get a daily report from the doctor, and we try to get to see him everyday. However this past week has been all about getting back into the groove at home, and unpacking and organizing. It's amazing how much "stuff" you accumulate when temporarily living somewhere else. George Carlin did a routine about "stuff", and it's all true. Wherever you go, you get more "stuff". Hopefully by next week we will have all our stuff together.

We have managed to find two very nice ladies to help us get settled in and prepare for Adam's homecoming (more about that in a moment). One is here in the daytime, one at night for our crazy work schedule. Without them we would likely be losing our minds.

Adam is making good progress and weighs about 6 1/2 lbs. He's managed to put together a string of days of weight gain, about an ounce per day. We still have no idea when he will have his surgery, or whether or not he will come home before he has it. He looks better every day that we see him, and is more "baby-like". He's still very small for a 3 month old. His main issues for now, other than the heart problem, are his bottle feeding and his rapid breathing. I hope to have some new pictures of him posted soon.

Grant seems to be growing and changing daily. He has his baby-fat cheeks firmly established. Small wonder since he wants to eat all the time. He smiles when he's awake and laughs when he's sleeping, probably dreaming about how he has us wrapped around his little finger. His hair is still reddish, and we're waiting for the spots that were shaved to grow back in.

That's all for now. I'm going to re-send the link to the pictures to as many people as possible by email, since the link that I post seems to expire after awhile. If you want the link sent to you, email Heidi or me. Don't put your email on this blog as I don't want spammers to get your email address. Until the next post...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Family:

Just reading the details is wonderful as it keeps me (everyone) aware of your challenges and The Boys. I know seeing the photos helps us from a distance, and hearing of the growth of Adam is up lifting, he is a fighter! Ah, Grant, I know he is sooo smart and enjoy, let the moments of love flow. It feels like he really needs your love and attention, go for it!!!! YOU are doing a great job. Finally your MIRACLE is present.

I miss you terribly and will write often. I continue to pray all the time for you and the boys...knowing GOD is watching all of you. The prayers in Houston from Joel Osteen are on-going and Joel is considered one the top 10 important people this year...per Barbara Walters. I believe our prayers with him personally. are working. The photo of Wayne is great and his son Grant is a mirror. Heidi, I am sure when I spoke with you... Grant was talking in the background. Funny I could understand his sounds. (It's a grandma talking.) "Happy Holidays to everyone and to all of you whom read this blog." This is the BEST Xmas ever, knowing, The Eastus Family is healthy and happy. This is the true Wonder of Christmas!!!!! I know we are all grateful for this gift of your babies.

Blessings always,xoxoxo



9:31 AM  
Blogger Aboleta said...

Kisses to the Boys!!!!
Joel, from Texas will be on TV Tuesday evening at 8:00 PM, ABC with Barbara Walters. Does everyone know he prayed for your babies Grant & Adam, personally? He did!!!! Hugs and Kisses

Ma Ma

11:10 AM  

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