Adam and Grant's Blog

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sunday PM - Our Christmas Eve has been somewhat subdued as Adam was transferred back to Level 3 due to an infection and aspiration of his formula. The doctors assure us this is only a temporary setback, but it is a setback nonetheless. He is currently on a ventilator but 70% of his respirations are his own. This is a good thing and they could remove the ventilator at any time. For now it's helping his overall condition. He will likely be in the Level 3 NICU for 5 to 10 days. Just this week we spoke with the chief cardiologist at the children's hospital who said that they plan to do his heart surgery within the next two weeks. We're not sure how this recent event will affect the schedule, so we are waiting to see. We also were told that a G/I specialist had been called in to check on his liver as things still aren't quite right there either. He's still tough, still a trooper, and we're still planning to have him home with his brother as soon as possible.

Speaking of his brother, Grant weighed 12 1/2 lbs and was 24 inches long last Tuesday. He is thriving more than we could have hoped. He had 4 shots on Friday that slowed him down a little but he bounced back the next day. He's still not sleeping through the night but he has reached the 4 hour mark a few times. We're looking forward to the first all-nighter.

I realize it's been 10 days since I last posted, and my excuses are: 1) The holidays; 2) Moving back home and trying to organize. I'll try to post more frequently, and as Adam's surgery date nears I'm sure I'll have more news more often. I hope I haven't lost any of you who are reading my posts, but if I have I guess you wouldn't be reading now.

From Heidi and myself, we hope that Santa is good to each and everyone. We're looking forward to 2007 and the time when everyone can meet our boys in person. We think it will be well worth the wait...


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