Adam and Grant's Blog

Friday, December 15, 2006

Friday AM - This is the 2nd version of a post that I just spent about 20 minutes composing, and somehow managed to lose it completely. Not surprising, but frustrating nonetheless. It was one of my better compostions .

We're trying to fix everything that the gremlins broke while we weren't here. Gremlins? What other explanation is there for:

A large tree falling in our yard as well as two of our neighbors?
Our home computer breaking?
Our wireless home network not working?
Our TV, satellite, and associated components not working?
Our vacuum not working (easy fix, belts replaced)?
Both cars needing repairs, one major?
Heidi's broken crown in the hospital? Thankfully, our dentist was a saint and made 3 hospital visits to fix the problem.
Outpatient surgery for me to remove a tumor on my face?
Our dog, Red, got sick? He's better now.
Our land line telephone, twice, had to have repairs?

With all this we are still very fortunate to have our health and our family. It's just amazing that all of this happened in a relatively short period of time.

Mind boggling. That's how it feels when we compare where both boys are today as to where they were several weeks ago. Grant looks as if he's storing nuts for the winter in his cheeks. Next week is his first doctor's appointment since last month, and we believe he weighs at least 12 lbs. He likes to lie on his stomach and can lift his head to look around. Other time he lies on a play mat that has toys hanging within his reach, as well as ball hanging near his feet that he loves to kick. He's definitely a ladies' man, as most of his smiles are reserved for his mom, his sisters, and either of his two caretakers who are here when we aren't. If I try really hard I can sometimes get him to smile for me.

Adam is still slowly but surely putting on weight as we near the time for his heart surgery. Last night he weight 6 lbs. 10 oz. He likes to be held and is very alert when he's awake, which is from 2 AM to 4 AM and 8 AM to 11 AM, as well as other shorter, unsheduled times. I hope to have a picture that the nurses took on the Yahoo site after I get it scanned and put on a CD. His nurses and doctors are becoming very attached to him, and one of his doctors even sings to him when he's upset. It doesn't look like he will have his surgery before Christmas, but that's not a certainty.

I'm not sure if this post is as good as the first but it will have to do for now. I'm going to the hospital to try to catch Adam during one of his waking periods. Thanks for reading...


Blogger Ourea said...

Wayne + Heidi - Haven't read the blog for a while as my computers -both laptop and desktop tanked. My daughter Chris is trying to revive my laptop and I get visiting priveleges with that. But finally got my new laptop today and we hooked it up. WOW a computer that works!!!!!!!!!! I read your list of things that don't work. YOU TOO? I have that all the time. Pretty scary considering my job is in an electricronic machine that could develop the same symptoms. I thought I was the only one who had multiple snafus to handle. I look down at the floor or the ground and ask "Now what? Got any moe surprises for me?" I used to look up at the sky but someone told me I was looking the wrong way for the culprit. Anyway, my daughter Chris says its just clearing out the old energy and getting new energy in my life. Phooey on that, It's a lot of annoyance and expense as far as I'm concerned. Hope yours gets fixed easily, cheaply and "that's enough of that" Glad to hear the boys are doing well. Adam had a whole congretation prayer chain pray for him recently. My daughter told her sister in law and she has a prayer chain through her church to send prayers for his continued improvement. Apparently, this went through the whole congretation. It's amazing how many people out there care about people they don't even know. She asks about how your little guys are doing frequently - my daughter does. Well, need to get going to do some more holiday baking or decorating or wrapping. Love to you all, Nancy

3:54 PM  

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