Adam and Grant's Blog

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Monday PM - The New Year is starting off right. Adam was taken off the ventilator, and is continuing to recover from the pneumonia. He was very excited to see us today, and to be able to sit in our laps while we held him. He didn't sleep the entire time we were there. We're expecting him to be transferred to Texas Children's within the next week.

Not to be outdone, Grant is outgrowing his first round of clothes. He is a very happy, very communicative baby. He loves to lie on his changing table and have someone talk to him. He smiles and tries to talk back.

TuesdayAM - My first double post. I had the 2nd half of the night watch (after 3AM) with Grant. He slept for just over 4 hours, which meant I slept most of the time. During the day he has a habit of falling asleep half way through his bottle. As I'm typing this at 9:25 he's sleeping in my lap, half of his bottle sitting in front of us.

We're going to Texas Children's Hospital for a tour today. It's quite different from The Woman's Hospital (different=big). Woman's has 4 floors and one main building, TCH has at least 20 floors and 2 wings. But it's one of the best children's hospitals in the world and Adam will be in good hands. Our only regret about leaving Woman's is saying goodbye to the doctors, nurses and staff who have got us this far.

Gotta run...


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