Adam and Grant's Blog

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thursday AM - Yesterday was one of those days that we were at the center of all of the activity. TCH is one stop-shopping for whatever ails your child, and we had several of the shops visiting us yesterday. First, the biggest and best news of all: Adam does NOT have cystic fibrosis. I can't remember if I had mentioned this possibility in earlier posts or not, but it has been a concern since he was 2 days old. He has had some of the symptoms of CF, but they had not been able to completely test and rule it out until yesterday. This is right up there with his heart surgery being succesful. We were so happy to hear the news last night that we wouldn't allow ourselves to believe it for about an hour. It's about time he had a run of good news.

The short-term issue that we're dealing with is his heart medication. Many times one medication solves one problem, then creates another. Such is the case with Adam, and we are now on our third medication. It's not a matter of "if" but "when" they find the right combination and dosage. Interesting note: one of the side effects of the new medication is blue skin from overexposure to the sun or the "smurf" effect. It's tempting to test it, but we won't be doing any sunbathing any time soon.

Over the next week or so, he will be in "basic training" for bottle feeding. He's had mixed results so far but the occupational therapists are very optimistic. Training has been suspended for today as he will be getting a PIC line, which is sort of an advanced IV line. Sedation is required when they put it in, but this will be better for him than the regular IV's he's been getting. He won't have to be stuck every day, as was the case when he was blowing the IV's. The endocrinologists (gland doctors) are also getting more involved and will be doing tests to check his pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands. Add the gastroenterologists along with the urologists and you have our game plan for the next 2 - 4 weeks.

Grant had his monthly doctor's visit on Tuesday. It looks like Heidi could work at the "guess your weight" booth at the carnival. She correctly guessed 15 lbs. Actually he's 15lbs 4oz and doing very well.

It's time to close. Adam is calling and wants to be held as soon as I can get the nurse to change his dirty diaper. Check back soon...


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