Adam and Grant's Blog

Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday AM - Not surprisingly, I haven't posted since Friday. Going back to work, going to the hospital, and trying to eat and sleep in between takes a lot of time. There wasn't much change since the last post until this morning, when the doctors discontinued the ventilator. Adam is now on CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) which is a device taped to his face and blows a continuous stream of air into his lungs. All breathing efforts are on his own. This is a "promotion" of sorts, but he has been on one of these devices before. To say that he despises the CPAP with all of his being is an understatement. The last time he was on it was at Woman's Hospital, and one doctor told us he was doing backflips trying to get it off. I expect no less of him this time around. Eventually (probably sooner than they think) they will go to the nasal cannula to give supplemental oxygen.

One other issue we're concerned about is his abdomen being distended. They're watching it closely but it looks pretty big. X-rays don't show anything serious, just a lot of gas. We've asked for the G/I specialist to take a look and hope to hear something soon.

For those of you not in Houston, we're having our once-a-decade ice storm starting tonight. Between the tree limbs freezing, falling on power lines, cutting power, and the VERY experienced ice driving of the Houstonians, we're expecting a grand old time to be had by all. If I don't get a post done before Wednesday, I'll do it as soon as possible. Staying warm and dry...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dear Family:

Wayne, WHAT would we do without your amazing writing ability to keep us informed on Baby Adam, You, Heidi and of course GRANT?

Thank you, thank you, for keeping the California contingency informed. I have changed my name to Abuelita (Aboleta for short)...with a more loving and caring style...Texas/Spanish. I hope "The Boys" will like it. Our prayers continue with great intentions for a full a perfect recovery for Baby Adam....He is a fighter and he is strong. I love you all.


10:56 AM  

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