Adam and Grant's Blog

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday AM - Live via WIFI in the TCH food court. Adam was transferred to the Progressive Care Unit yesterday afternoon, a sign that he is slowly but surely recovering. There are several issues to resolve, but the main thing now is his feeding. He's stuck in a cycle where he gets up to a certain amount of food, then his stomach swells from excess gas. The feeding is then stopped for up to 24 hrs until the swelling goes down, then the feeding is slowly started again. One suspect is the pain medication, from which they are slowly trying to wean him. Regardless, this is getting everyone's attention now that he has had his heart surgery.

We are fortunate to have two angels who have followed Adam from The Woman's Hospital. Two of his ICU nurses, D'anna (hope I'm spelling that right) and Victoria, are visiting and playing with him at TCH when Heidi and I can't be there. He has taken a real liking to them, and it is a great comfort to us to know that they are visiting him. This is a great example of what I mentioned before about these special people who work and care for these kids. I can't say enough about how special they are.

I spent last night with Adam at the hospital, and Heidi stayed home with Grant. We hate being split like this, but it seems that we're getting close to where everyone can be home. I don't know how Heidi's night went, but Adam was pretty good all things considered. He slept at 45 minute to 2 hour intervals, and I did the same. He only stirred when his pacifier came out, and it was fairly easy to get him back to sleep.

The battery on the computer is running low, so it's time to end this post and get back upstairs. I hope to catch up on getting the pictures online, but it may take a few days or so. Check back in a day or two for the latest...


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