Adam and Grant's Blog

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday PM - When I finished the post from Monday I went back to Adam's room and he was having a conniption from (you guessed it), the CPAP. Later that evening they removed the CPAP and placed him on a cannuala, the same as he had when he was tranferred. Since then he has been resting comfortably, except for a couple of times when they fed him. His stomach gets upset if they feed him at a normal rate of consumption, so they have slowed his feeding to be spread over an hour or two. We've asked the gastrointestinal specialist to get involved and hopefully that's happening today.

We burrowed in at home last night. The news looked and sounded bad but we only saw a few icicles hanging from trees and bushes. I know there were several accidents around the city, but this afternoon is above freezing (barely) and we should be finished with that nonsense. Plans are for me to go back to the hospital today and spend the night at RMH, then to work tomorrow. I believe we're getting close to Adam's transfer out of ICU to who-knows-where. Stay tuned, I'll post as soon as I can...


Blogger potts60 said...


I have been reading your blog in reverse order and am really enjoying! Amy and I are very happy to hear Adam is having a good recovery. We will continue to pray for his progress and update his old Women's Hospital friends (nurses, RT's and Neo's ask often).

Couple of days ago we were talking to Dr. F about skin to skin. She told us an interesting story about a certain dad who liked sitting around the NICU shirtless.

Of course, HIPPA prevented her from naming the father but your blog shed light on the culprit.

Love and kisses to Adam and Grant,
Mark, Amy and Rees

9:56 AM  

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