Adam and Grant's Blog

Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday PM - Posting from the ICU waiting room, I've stepped away from Adam's bed as he is peacefully sleeping. Just as I would expect, he's proven me wrong and has, at least for the time being, accepted the CPAP. Earlier this afternoon he was awake and alert, the first time we've seen him this way since before his surgery. Every day or so they take out one more line or tube which signals another small step toward recovery. His nurse today said he may be transferred out of ICU by this weekend. For us this is great news, but our concerns about the amount of attention and care he gets come back since the step-down in levels also is a step-down in the amount of direct attention he is given. But we're starting to learn the system and are already telling anyone who will listen that we want and need the higher level of care. The system has been around longer than we have, but we'll see how it goes.

We decided that Heidi would take home duty with Grant tonight and that I will stay with Adam at the hospital until it's time to leave. Then back to RMH for a good night's sleep. Hope everyone is warm and safe wherever you are. Until tomorrow...


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