Adam and Grant's Blog

Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday AM - Possibly the blog's shortest post. I just spoke with Adam's nurse in ICU. His heart rate has decreased to near-normal levels. This is great news and I can only hope and pray that he continues to do well. That's it for now. If you're reading this and have no idea of what I'm posting, check the previous blog. More later...


Blogger Unknown said...


Hang in there things will perk up, I'm sure of it.

Let us know if there's anything we can do to help. My sister's still working in the cardiac wing, so let us know if you need any stones kicked.

Canon caught a GI virus, so we've been cleaning up puke and runny poop for 2 days straight. Not as bad as you guys, but us NICU parents are in this together.

Laura said Adam needed blood. I'm not sure if they'd let you have mine since I'm a cancer survivor 5+ years out, but I'm O+. Let me know if the docs say you can use my blood.

All the best,

Cordt, Laura, and Canon

5:54 PM  
Blogger Ourea said...

Wayne - I have been keeping track about weekly on Adam's slow and unsteady steps to coming home. What a lot of hurdles for all of you - especially him. I can't believe what he has gone through. How wonderful that we have the medical system that we do. For all the complaints by people about Western Medicine, I don't know anywhere else in the world that the miracles that are being wrought here exist. We are all lucky to live in this country on that score. Need blood? What is his blood type? I have to look mine up all the time but think it is A+ Don't take that as a definite. I might look it up and find I am wrong. Glad his heart rate went down. He must be on a lot of medications,so I am sure that adds to the fun. Glad to hear Grant is doing well. What a roller coaster you have all been on. Someday, this will all be in the past and it can't be too soon. Love to you all and still hoisting those pompoms!!!! Nancy

8:31 AM  
Blogger Vero said...

Dear Wayne and Heidi,

Such a thoughts, good vibes and prayers are with you.
Hang in there!
Bigs hugs to all of you.

8:22 PM  

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