Adam and Grant's Blog

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sat PM - It's been quite a few days, culminating with this afternoon's birthday bash. I can't say that every person near and dear to us was there, because they weren't. I can say that every person who was there is very near and dear to us, and words are inadequate to describe how great it was to have everyone celebrate the twins' first year. It's very difficult to spend quality time with those who come to a party when you're the party giver. We wish we could have spent hours with everyone, but that wasn't possible. Just know that we deeply appreciate the love and support that you showed just by coming.

It will likely take few days to get all the pictures from all of our great photographers, but I hope to set up a separate "1st Birthday" folder on the Dropshots web site. Keep checking by after a few days from now. If you want, ignore the pictures of the paleskin guy holding Grant on the slip-n-slide. It's been many years since he's seen the sun for an extended period, and it will probably be several more.

Again, our love and thanks to each and everyone.


Blogger Angie Bakke said...

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2:29 PM  

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