Adam and Grant's Blog

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday PM (yes, it's been more than a week since the last one) - The easiest thing for me to do is work from today backwards to the last post in hopes that I don't forget anything significant. At this moment I'm uploading more pics to the Walgreens site and hope to have the same pics uploaded to the Dropshots as well. I'm having a problem with Dropshots in that the photos I edit (redeye, too dark, etc.) don't show up on the website for some reason. I'm working with their tech support but if they don't get it right, then I have another web site I'm looking at. In fact, I uploaded a few pictures on a 30-day trial. If anyone is interested the link is here:

I have two separate folders for videos and photos. Take a look and drop me a line as to which is the better. I'll keep uploading to both until I decide.

Yesterday was another doctor's visit for Adam. The biggest news is his weight - 10lb 5.5oz. That's a weight gain of 1oz per day over the last two weeks, which is where his doctor wants him. We're now in the slow process of weaning him from the NG tube and going straight to bottle feeds, and giving his medicine by mouth as well. Over the next few weeks, we have 3 more specialist appointments, but everything is going very well. We're very glad to have him home, and he seems to be glad to be here.

If you have been looking at the photos and videos, you can see how Grant is doing. He's getting into his routine with his likes and dislikes and he keeps us in line. We've wondered whether to try to keep both boys on the same schedule or have them sleeping at different times (as if we REALLY have a choice). But Grant has decided he is late to bed, late to rise, and Adam just the opposite. This works for us because Grant sleeps in while we are taking care of Adam's stuff early in the morning. At night Grant plays while Adam goes to bed about 8:00. Midnight and after can be very interesting. On the weekend we have our night sitter to allow us to catch up on sleep. The boys can be very cooperative at night or not at all, or all variations in between. Adam tends to be the least sound sleeper of the two. Mostly his rainfall noisemaker goes off, or the vibrating bed goes off, or he wants his pacifier. Grant sleeps from about midnight to around 5 (give or take 30 minutes), wakes up for a bottle and a change, then goes back to sleep until around 10. He wakes up in a great mood, with lots of smiles, and ready to play. Adam also wakes up in good mood and ready to play, only 3 hours earlier.

There's nothing else to report since the last post. It's just incredibly busy here. Heidi and I are trying to work between all that goes on here, and that can be tough. We know things will get back to semi-normal, but the irony is that we are enjoying these guys so much even though they're a handful and sometimes more. When they get to the point that we can work and do our other daily things without worrying about them, they will have changed. We're not so sure when in a hurry for that to happen. It depends on what time of day we're asked.

Gotta run, check all 3 picture sites when you can...


Blogger Judy and Joel said...

Hello Eastus Family!!

I guess I didn't read your blogs for longer than I when I went to the website with the new pictures - which I've really enjoyed - and saw BOTH Grant AND Adam, I was thrilled beyond words!! I said to myself,"I guess Adam must have fought off that infection and is now home!!

So I went to the blog to read from the point where I'd left off (at the end of Feb.). Reading your post in March 10 really brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing journey you have taken, and, at long last, you have arrived at your destination!!

I will continue praying for both of them - as well as for both of YOU...that you stay healthy and full of the energy that will continue to be required for the care of these little miracles!

It is amazing how, with the internet, we have been able to share your experience, and we appreciate the time you have spent writing about it all.

Love, Judy

7:13 PM  

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