Adam and Grant's Blog

Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday PM - I can see that I'll be lucky to get 1 post per week now. It's interesting to have almost every waking hour of the day scheduled for you. With Adam's feeding and medication schedule, we are busy most of the time. Updating from last week, Grant's fever was gone by Tuesday and we kept him and Adam separated until Wednesday for good measure. It was very hard on us (especially Heidi) to see Grant so sick, but he pulled through fairly quickly and was back to his old self. So far, Adam has avoided the bug and each day that goes by means less of a chance that he'll get it.

As I type this post, Grant is sitting in my lap "helping" me type. His personality is really starting to come out, and it seems he will be the laid-back, fun-loving type. He still likes to play all the games I mentioned before. If something isn't going according to his plan, he will let you know by letting out a rather loud yell, but then it's over. To get someone's attention, he'll cough until you look at him which then earns you a smile.

Last Wednesday we took Adam for a checkup and immunizations. His toughness is obvious even at the doctor's office. He was given 3 shots and only cried for a few seconds, then acted as if nothing ever happened. With his bony little legs we thought it would be much worse. At home he is the more serious of the two. We can still get a smile from him but it takes more work than with Grant. We can see that he's growing but the doctors want to see a faster growth rate. That shouldn't be a problem as his appettite is very good. Our next milestone will be getting the feeding tube taken out. I believe that will come when he shows a consistent ability to drink all of his formula from a bottle, and to take his many medications the same way.

I have uploaded all of the pictures to another website which I hope will not give any problems. There should not be a password to deal with, and the web site sorts photos and videos by the date and time they were taken. If you have any problems, email me or leave a comment here.

Gotta run, Grant is chewing my arm off...


Blogger Ourea said...

WOW - I just logged onto your blog and caught up on the momenteous news of Adam's homecoming!!!!! Then I entertained myself by looking at your videos - what a great idea!! I hope that you, Wayne, look less tired than you did two weeks ago.
I laughed at your "getting back to normal" email - how can you do that with TWO? Not having to go to the hospital all the time is a HUGH change and not having to worry about every little setback is heaven for you both.
I can't see how you and Heidi have done it all these last few months!! It's amazing what we can do when we have to and when it's our children, we can really move mountains!!
I have been running, doing, over loaded lately for various and very dull reasons - one of which has been CO AIRLINES and their inability to keep simulators working and deciding if we need first class or second class medicals. Lots of running around to no avail for over a month.
Not to let you think that I have not been having any fun. I went on vacation to Tulum, Mexico for a week and had a blast. Will fill you in when I have time to stop up.
You have passed a hugh hurdle this month and I see only great things ahead for you. By the way, I didn't put those pompoms away. Not because of Adam but because I have come to love jumping around my livingroom hoisting those things around to drive me neighbors crazy (what's she doing over there now?)!!!!!!!!! Love to you all, Nancy

11:11 AM  

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