Adam and Grant's Blog

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wednesday PM - I'm posting with the hope that I haven't lost any readers. It's been over 2 weeks since my last post. As the boys grow, they get more of our time, which leaves less time for blogging. They are both asleep now, as is Heidi, so I'll try to take advantage. I'm not sure where to start since so much has happened, but I think I know what most of your are interested in, so I'll try to hit those first.

If you haven't lately, check out the Dropshots page and you'll get most of the updates just by looking. Each boy is growing and progressing at a fast clip. Adam is catching up to Grant, but I would guess he's about 3 to 4 months behind. He weighed 12lbs 4oz last night, and he's doing things that we remember Grant doing a few months ago. During the last 10 days or so, he has taken some big steps in his development. He's more aware of his surroundings and seems to be enjoying life more now than ever. He's smiling and laughing more, although his favorite thing is when we do things to make Grant laugh. Adam prefers to sit on the sideline and not be a participant in all the shenanigans. Yesterday, the doctor gave approval to start small amounts of cereal, but today we tried and he hated it. But Grant hated his the first time too, so I doubt this will last long. All of Adam's checkups have gone well, the most significant being his cardiology exam. All tests so far show that his heart is doing fine with no complications. Our hope is that he can be weaned from the heart medication as he grows. If you saw the pictures we made in the country (with the old house and bluebonnets), you won't be surprised that some of us came down with allergies after our trip. What may (or may not) surprise you is that one of us didn't. And that would be...Adam. I guess he doesn't have time for such small irritations. But it's true; Heidi, Grant, and I all had stuffy noses, watery eyes, and all the other allergy symptoms from being out in the flowers. Adam had zero, zilch, nada. No complaints, but he never ceases to surprise and amaze us.

Grant just keeps eating and growing, and his personality is still moving towards the fun-loving, even slightly mischievous. He's really taken an interest in his toys, but doesn't always do the things with them that we would expect. I've started rolling a ball back and forth with him. Since he is able to sit up, this and many other play activities are easy for him now. He also loves to go outside, but with summer coming (or already here for those of you living outside of Houston), I'm not sure he'll feel the same about that. We suspect that he will be crawling before long, then all bets are off. Oh yeah, he's also starting to show a little bit of sibling rivalry. Not so bad just yet, but he wants to know what we're doing with Adam, and he wants to be involved unless he has something better to do. Today, I had to change his car seat to the next size as he has outgrown the first.

Our mornings are still the happy time of the day. Both boys are usually in a good mood when they wake up. As the day progresses and the evening comes, the "witching hour" may or may not strike. They can be happy or very unhappy anytime after 6 PM. Adam usually will go straight to sleep if that's what he really wants, but Grant fights sleep until he can't hold his head up anymore. It makes for an interesting evening if someone is watching them solo. Fortunately this doesn't happen often.

Just so I know I haven't lost anyone, leave a comment so I'll know you're still there. Or just send me an email. I know I don't have to explain the infrequency of my posts, but I still like to know that you're out there and reading. Hope to hear from you soon...


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