Adam and Grant's Blog

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday AM - It's been an interesting week. Adam has broken through the 10 lb. mark and last weighed just over 11 lbs on Thursday. On Wednesday he decided to remove his feeding tube (again), but his timing was good as we had a doctor's appointment the same day. The doctor decided we should go without the feeding tube for awhile, so that's what we're doing. It's a little scary (for me, not so much Heidi) because we have to monitor his intake very closely, logging each and every ml he takes in. With the feeding tube, we were able to "pump" in extrac ml's overnight while he slept. Now it all has to go via the bottle. He tends to be a lazy feeder and falls asleep when he's eating, so we're making the extra effort to get his calories in. It's better for him as he seems much happier without the tube poking in his nose and going down his throat, and without all the tape plastered to his face. I have a few new pictures on "Dropshots" and hope to have more before too much longer.

Grant officially weighs over 20 lbs and is still a character. He's still the more laid back of the two, but he does have his moments. He can sit up now, only tipping over occasionally. His arm strength is building and he pushes up on his arms on a regular basis. It won't be long before he's crawling, and we'll have to relocate everything within reach.

As both boys grow and change, we enjoy them more every day. There are times when we're exhausted, but the smiles we get from them recharge our batteries and we know it's all worthwhile. Catch you next time...


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