Adam and Grant's Blog

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sat AM - I'm giving up on promises as to when my next post will come, especially since the last one was March 28. I blink and two weeks pass just like that. I have to make sure that I haven't had another birthday or that this is still 2006.

Let's start with Adam as we've had a few doctors' appointments since the last post. All the news is good, with the best news being his cardiology checkup. The chest x-ray looks good, and there were no arrhythmias on his 24 hour Holter monitor. His normal pediatric visits have gone well, and he has broken through the 10 lb. barrier and is closing in on 11. He laughs and smiles more every day, although we can tell there is still some discomfort going on either in his abdomen or from possible teething. As he gets bigger, he knows what makes him happy and what doesn't. Last week we thought he was trying out for the TV show Jackass which, for those of you lucky enough not to know, is a show with some not-so-bright guys who do anything and everything to hurt themselves or just gross everyone out. At 6:00 in the morning, Adam began coughing to the point that he emptied his stomach. It was rather dark in the room but I noticed a long, spaghetti-like thing hanging from his mouth. I quickly surmised that this was the wrong end of his feeding tube, which came up when he was vomiting. He now had a tube that entered his nose, made a 180-degree turn, and came out of his mouth. I'm sure you're all getting a mental picture of this now. It was at this point I thought of the TV show. We had to pull the tube out and have a nurse reinsert it. Ah, parenthood.

Grant hasn't had a doctors appointment in quite a while, but is growing and should be at or over 20 lbs by now. He starts his day in a very good mood, but I guess his teething is really starting to get to him because at the end of the day he's pretty crotchity. With a good night's sleep he's back to his good mood the next morning. We're trying to put the two boys together more often, but if you've seen the video, you know that Grant can be a little over-affectionate at times. We think that Adam has told him to rip out the feeding tube at the first chance he gets, because that's what he tries to do.

A quick note about the pictures before closing: Due to popular opinion (Heidi's) I'm sticking with Dropshots for the time being. It seems it's easier to view that site than the Phanfare because of a Java program needed for Phanfare. Lots of work computers won't let that particular program download, so that's where we are. Be sure to check the Walgreen's website as there are some pictures that didn't get to Dropshots. At some point, I may have my very smart cousin create a web site that I can put the pictures on without going through a commercial site. But for now I'll stick with what we've got.

Lastly, before you send me a comment or email that this is not 2006, I was just seeing who was paying attention. Call it a late April Fool's joke. Next post in ?? days...


Blogger Aboleta said...

Dearest Family:

It's wonderful to know the venue for the boys and their medical up-dates without asking so many questions. I love, love, the photos... and videos, all are just wonderful. Yes, your love, attention, devotion, care, and making a family, is working wonderfully.

I have not seen you for a a short time and it feels like several months. I will miss our vists and will have to arrive more often. Yes this is a great blessing for all of you. Heidi you are a wonderful Mother! Wayne you are the Best Daddy!!!! Lucky Grant and Adam Eastus!! Happy Easter...I look forward to seeing you soon.

More love to all of you,

Nana Bobbi

4:49 AM  

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