Sat AM - My posts are becoming less frequent, but that's a good sign as the boys are both thriving and doing quite well. We recently took them to a reunion that The Woman's Hospital has for all of their NICU "graduates". They reserved the Children's Museum for the event, but we literally never got past the entrance. It was great seeing the doctors and nurses who had cared for us (yes, all 4 of us), and at times it was quite emotional. This was our first official outing, and the quarantine has been lifted. Since then we have taken both boys out a couple of times, and Grant makes frequent trips with me to run errands. Adam isn't quite the accomplished traveller that Grant is, but he's getting there.
If you want to see how far each has come, check out the Dropshots site. It does a better job than I can do. I will say that Adam is over 13 lbs, and Grant is over 22. Adam likes to lay around and kick his feet, while Grant is obsessed with pulling the chain for the ceiling fan light. I think they are starting to become more aware of each other, and most of the time they seem to be pleased. Grant may be developing a jealous streak, but it's nothing serious yet.
Within the next 2 weeks they will have their checkups and more shots, but we don't think anything serious is going on. I'll post the results when we get them. Enjoy the Dropshots...